+9 Post-Master’s Coursework

计划: +9 Post-Master's Coursework
学历水平: 365体育投注
学分: 9 学分
交付格式: 在线
先决条件: Bachelor’s degree with a Teaching Certificate

+9硕士后课程是为持有学士学位和教师证书并有兴趣更新知识或发展新技能的教师设计的. 你可以从7个不同的学科领域中选择3门365体育投注课程(9学分), or you may create your own by selecting courses from different triads. 如果你没有硕士学位,但对这些课程感兴趣, contact Sarah Bartling using the contact information below.


1.) Empowering Learners

TE 804 -多元文化教育课程开发或TE 899P包容性 & Differentiation in the 21st Century Classroom
TE 866 - Motivating the 21st Century Learner
技术 course of student's choice

这三位一体的目的是装备有经验的PK-12教育家的策略,使学习者获得更高的成就和独立学习. TE 866侧重于以研究为基础的原则来激励PK-12学生,目的是培养他们终身学习的倾向. 课程的重点是根据365体育投注自己的教育兴趣领域定制的策略的实际应用. 在te804中, 学生学习不同的学习和教学方式,并探索创造有利于和支持多元文化教育的环境的意义和现实. TE 899P解决了所有特殊学生(残疾和天才)以及来自不同文化背景的学生在综合环境中的教学需求. Additionally, students take a technology course of their choosing.

2.) School 图书馆 Overview/Refresher

TE 868 - Copyright, Fair Use, and Ethics
TE 869 - Introduction to the School 图书馆 Program
TE 871 - Collection Development & Management OR TE 873 Reference Services & 资源

本文的目的是为非图书馆员概述图书馆的发展趋势和问题, 或者为希望更新知识和技能的学校图书馆员. TE 869 is an overview of selected school library topics: current trends, 类型, 问题, and instructional and motivational strategies in children's and adolescent literature; school library and educational professional ethics including 问题 concerning the individual, 社会, and the profession; and an introduction to information literacy. TE 868侧重于道德地使用受版权保护的材料和合理使用指南,因为它们与教育和商业培训有关. TE 871(推荐用于概述课程)旨在为学生提供印刷和非印刷收藏选择所需的基本能力, development and evaluation (TE 869 is the prerequisite). TE 873(推荐用于复习课程)探讨了支持学校图书馆媒体中心的参考资源范围, including the evaluation and use of print and virtual reference sources, reference procedures, 以及参考资源在学校整体课程中的教学作用.

3.) Multiple Literacies

TE 867 - Storytelling in the School 图书馆 and Classroom
TE 877 - Developing Web-Based 教育al Environments
TE 876 - Integration of Curriculum, 技术, and Media 资源

这三位一体强调以多种形式进行信息素养教学的策略. TE 867 focuses on storytelling as an oral tradition, as a digital medium, and as a powerful tool for persuasion and education. te876的重点是课程整合技术的教学效果为PK-12教育工作者. TE 877 is for teachers and instructional technologists who wish to design, implement and evaluate learner-centered instructional environments. 学生 will create, implement and evaluate n在线ar, student-centered interactive web-based projects, based upon their students' assessed learning needs.

4.) Instructional 技术 Leadership

TE 866 - Motivation the 21st Century Learner
TE 878 - Leadership in Instructional 技术
t880 -教育技术管理或t875学校图书馆管理

这三位一体将为学生提供必要的技能和工具,成为一个有效的, innovated instructional leader in the field of instructional technology, TE 878 emphasizes staff/faculty development, 规划, using data-driven decision making, and funding in instructional technology. Based on individual needs, 学生可以在TE 880(对P - 16教育环境中的管理和技术领导的深入研究)和TE 875(侧重于学校图书馆项目使命的管理)之间进行选择, 预算, supervision of personnel, 规划, 资源的需求, communication within the school and public communities). TE 866侧重于激励PK-12学生的研究原则,目的是培养他们终身学习的倾向. 课程的重点是根据365体育投注自己的教育兴趣领域定制的策略的实际应用.

5.) Special 教育

TE 899P -行为/情绪障碍个体的干预策略
TE 899P - Co-Teaching and Collaborative Services
TE 899P - 技术 Applications for Diverse Learners

这三位一体介绍了各种创新策略,教学多样化和具有挑战性的学生, 并提供了在教育艺术硕士项目的高级从业者重点领域提供的课程作业预览. TE 899P行为/情绪障碍个体的干预策略, 将研究有效的策略和干预措施,以帮助有行为和情感障碍的学生. Interventions appropriate for the three tiers of intervention will be explored. TE 899P Co-Teaching and Collaborative Services, 是否将重点放在能够在农村环境和城市环境中实施的合作教学模式和策略上. TE 899P 技术 Applications for Diverse Learners, 将研究技术在不同学习者中的应用,因为它与教与学有关. 本课程也将着重于为不同的学习者提供技术支持,并探索现有技术和发展中技术的新应用.


TE 820 - Teacher Leadership
EDAD 833 - EDAD Assessment Leadership
TE 866 - Motivating the 21st Century Learner

这三位一体将为学生提供必要的技能和工具,成为一个有效的, innovative instructional leader in the field of instructional technology. TE 878 emphasizes staff/faculty development, 规划, using data-driven decision making, and funding in instructional technology. Based on individual needs, 学生可以在TE 880(对P-16教育环境中的管理和技术领导的深入研究)和TE 875(侧重于学校图书馆项目使命的管理)之间进行选择, 预算, supervision of personnel, 规划, 资源需求, communication within the school and public communities). TE 866侧重于以研究为基础的原则来激励PK-12学生,目的是培养他们终身学习的倾向. 课程的重点是根据365体育投注自己的教育兴趣领域定制的策略的实际应用.

7.) Visual Production

TE 887 - Electronic Media Production
TE 885 - Instructional Video Production
TE 888 - Multimedia Production

本课程的目的是让学生掌握设计的知识和实践技能, implement and evaluate learner-centered instructional environments. 在te887中, students will create, implement and evaluate n在线ar, student-centered interactive web-based projects, based upon their students' assessed learning needs. te885将培养学生设计、创作、制作和编辑教学视频. 重点将是利用现有的教室设备制作视频, 编辑, and related concepts. TE 888 focuses on the use of a screen 记录er to develop, 记录, and edit on-screen activity, add imported media, create interactive content, and share HD videos. Topics include introductory screen design, 脚本, project time management, 录音, 和图形.

How do I get started?

1. Request information about the program to learn more.

2. 准备申请 by viewing the program's application process, or 马上申请.

3. 联系 365体育在线 with any questions:

University of Nebraska at Kearney - 在线
Phone: 308-865-8800
电子邮件: unk在线@yingla.net